Saturday, December 11, 2010

From CF Football

E Caf
Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.
*Your score is the total amount of meters rowed - goal is row at least 3000 meters
*Penalty is 1 burpee pull up for every 5 meters under 3000 meters.
Post total meters rowed and if any penalties were assessed to comments.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wednesday's WOD

For time:
1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

*No rower :( Sub a one mile run.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tuesday's WOD

Complete 5 rounds for time:
10 Pull Ups/Kipping/Butterfly/Strict(Scale as needed)
10 Ring Dips/Bar Dips/Bench Dips(Scale as needed)
10 Tru Push Ups/Ring Push Ups/Push Ups(Scale as needed)

*Attempt to complete all sets unbroken. Scale up or down depending on your current skill level.
*Rest as needed between rounds. A round can be completed in any order. 
Warm up: Row 2-500 meter sprints or jump rope 5 minutes. Followed by joint mobility and some dynamic stretching.
Meet at the office TLE and we will walk over to the prison gym.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday's WOD

Terminal Island Elite Fitness 

Push press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Post loads to comments.
Let's break out the NEW Squat Racks from Again Faster and set some new PRs!
Try to go up in weight each round. There is no time element to this WOD

Friday, November 19, 2010

Main site WOD

Seven rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push-ups
185 pound Deadlift, 10 reps(Scale as needed)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders

3...2..1. GO!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday's WOD is "Helen"!!!

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings
12 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Meet @ the shed to grab the kettlebells and head over to theTerminal Island playground track at 0645 warm up and get to work!!! The track is a 200 meter track.

3...2..1. GO!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday's WOD

For time:
200 Burpees

*Every time you stop and REST with your chest on the ground this constitutes a penalty. If a penalty is counted, you must immediately sprint 40 yards(On the parade field). Once the penalty is completed continue with the Burpees.

*You can REST in a pike position (the top of a push up) but once you can not do Burpess any longer and need to rest on the ground, a penalty is counted and a 40 yard sprint must be completed.

*If you want your Terminal Island Elite Fitness T-Shirt You have to complete this WOD and have it recorded and posted to the page! See our page on Facebook! (Search: Terminal Island Elite Fitness)

Post times and number of penalties to comments.

Friday, November 12, 2010

CFE Expo

CrossFit Endurance Sports & Fitness Expo “State of The Community” Orange County Ca, Nov 13th
WODS: Be prepared, only a few of these WODS will be taking place.
Sign up for athlete participation will be available at the CrossFit Endurance Booth.
1K Row, every 15 Strokes, do 10 burpees.:
For Time:
75sec, Highest Ave. Max Wattage on Cyclops 400.
.2min warm up then 75sec all out.
Thruster’s 95lbs
For Time:
CrossFit Total, 10min Cap
Back Squat
Dead Lift
Shoulder Press
Athlete must load and unload own bar.
Objective: Highest total
3 attempts at each lift.
10min AMRAP
10 unbroken double unders
Objective: highest numbers of unbroken double unders
400m Run on Woodway Curve
Fastest Time:
SoCal Cardio. (beat the beasts)
12min AMRAP
4 cals row/run
3 Reps 315/205 Back Squat
2 Reps  350/225 Dead lift
1 Rep  245/160 Bench Press
500m Row
For Time:
KB or Dumbbell Cleans
Shoulder Press
Tabata Dead Lift 8 rounds of 20sec on 10sec off
Start at 60% of 1RM and add 10lbs per round until completion
200m Run, Woodway Curve, 1000m Row
For Time:
Tabata: 20 sec on 10 Sec off x8 Rounds
Bottom to Bottom Jump Squats, 10sec rest is at Bottom of squat position
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65
Clapping Push Ups
For Time:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day! Thursday's WOD

On the Minute:
Perform 2 Squats and Max Rep Push Ups on the minute for 12 minutes.
*Perform Squats @ 65% of 1 RM
Post loads used and total push ups completed to comments.
Have a great Veteran's Day everyone! I know I will!!!

Subject: Commandant's Veterans Day Message-Happy Veteran's Day


Veterans Day is the national holiday when we honor and thank our veterans - past and present - for their service.  It's a day to Honor our Profession.  Those of us not on watch have the choice to take Veterans Day off, however, we must always remember that we only have this choice because of our veterans' heroic service.  Many of them had no choice-they had to go to war. 

Our Nation owes its existence to the generations of Americans who have fought and died, and who continue to fight and die-or suffer physical and mental wounds-defending our freedoms.  It's a debt that can't truly be paid.  What we can do-what we must do-is to use this occasion to show our gratitude by honoring their service. 

This is our chosen profession.  This is who we are.  This is what we do.  It also makes us unique.  Our Nation's all-volunteer 2.4 million active duty and reservists, in a country of over 300 million, represents less than 1 percent of the American population.  Our chosen profession has become something that few other people choose to do.  In honoring those who went before us, we reinforce to their families and loved ones the significance of their sacrifices, and the gratitude we as a nation have for their commitment to something larger than themselves.

I encourage those of you not standing the watch to attend a local Veterans Day ceremony or parade or find some other meaningful way to honor those who serve, remember those who have served, and to humbly say thank you.

I, along with Master Chief Leavitt and our wives, will visit Arlington National Cemetery to attend the National Veterans Day Service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, followed by a Service at the Coast Guard War Memorial.  We hope to see many of our Shipmates in attendance - you are all welcome to join us.

For those of you standing the watch, protecting our homeland, or supporting our sister services in the global war on terror, thank you.  You exemplify the very best of what it means to be Coast Guardsmen, and I am proud to share in the privilege of defending our freedoms.

Thank you to the Men and Women of the United States Coast Guard - past and present - for your selfless service.

Semper Paratus,

Admiral Bob Papp

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday WOD

Complete 5 rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans 75% of body weight
5 Box Jumps 24"
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups or Pull Ups
Sprint 50 meters
Post times to comments.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday's WOD

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 round consists of:
1 Push Press @ 65% of body weight
1 Pull Up
3 Push Presses @ 65% of body weight
3 Pull Ups
5 Push Presses @ 65% of body weight
5 Pull Ups
Post weight and rounds completed to comments.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday's WOD with HEYDAY

225 meters of Bear Crawl
50 reps one arm KB Thrusters right/left
50 KB Swings
Break up as needed.
Complete for time.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday's WOD

135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps for time

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.

"No small part of the CrossFit revolution is to establish what we call "evidence based fitness" - where meaningful assertions about fitness programs are focused on safety, efficacy, and efficiency bolstered by measurable, observable, and repeatable human performance data. Where we're successful, work capacity will reign supreme and markers like V02 max, lactate threshold, and heart rate will rightfully be seen as performance correlates valued solely in proportion to their contribution to programming changes that advance performance."
- Greg Glassman

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thursday's WOD (Good luck to everyone taking the SWE!)

Cover Double-under technique
5 minutes of Joint Mobility. Focus on preparing ankles and shoulders for the WOD.
50/40/30/20/10 reps of
Dips (Ring Dips or Bar Dips)

There will be a 30 minute time limit.
Jump ropes are available if you don't have your own.
If you cannot do Double-unders multiply the reps by 3.
Please watch the video on double-unders!

 3…2..1. GO!!!

Terminal Island Education Event

Announcement from:     Steve Fraijo, MAED, MBA
                Regional Education Services Officer






Don't miss this unique opportunity to advance your career. DeVry University and the United States Coast Guard have teamed up to offer a Bachelor of Science in Management degree program onsite.

Check out the U.S. Coast Guard's educational benefits:

*        Undergraduate and graduate application fee waiver

*        Special tuition rate for the Military and their spouses

*        SOCCOAST Institution                                         

Visit with DeVry on base for more information:

DATE(s) November 5,

TIME 0900 - 1200

LOCATION: Learning Center Building 31

DeVry Sponsored BBQ

Time 1030 - 1230

Location: Gazebo

For more information, please contact:

Joseph Navarro: 562.639.4678 |

or your Base Education Office


Steve Fraijo, MAED, MBA
Regional Education Services Officer
PSSU San Pedro
San Pedro, CA
310-521-6165 - office

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wednesday WOD

Complete for time:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Pull Ups(Any grip or style)
Ball Slams
Post times and weights to comments

Sunday, October 31, 2010

For most of us, 140.6 miles is a long Sunday drive.

Fellow Coasties

Coast Guard and Morgan State partner for diversity initiative

Good stuff

Monday's WOD

Warm up:
Tabata - Jump rope & Burpees alternating between the two for 2 tabata interval sets.

5x5x5x5x5 Thrusters

Post loads used to comments

See the video for how to perform a proper Thruster.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday's WOD


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
10 True Push Ups
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups or 10 Supine Pull Ups or 10 Pull Ups
10 Toes To Bar

Post rounds completed to comments

We can do this WOD on the track near the ol' Prison Gym.

3...2..1. GO!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday WOD

Ground-to-overhead anyway possible(Weight TBD)
Ammo can lunges
Tire Flips
Jump rope

Agility ladder passes
45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of active rest to set up before commencing work. Go for maximum number of repetitions @ each station during the 45 seconds of work. After 45 seconds of work rotate to the next station and get ready to go again.
24 minutes on the clock

3..2..1. GO

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Benchmark WOD's from



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:

5 Pull-ups
...10 Push-ups
15 Squats


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

Post the number of rounds completed!
3..2..1. GO!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A moment of reflection to honor PO Lin

The Coast Guard Foundation is helping Petty Officer Lin’s family.  Personnel who would like to honor him can visit for more details.

I would ask that you take a moment of personal reflection to honor the service and sacrifice of Petty Officer Lin.  Please keep Shaun, his family, and the crew of MSST New York in your thoughts and prayers.

Foam Rollers are magic!